8 IT Skills That Will Set You Apart This Year And Beyond

8 IT Skills That Will Set You Apart This Year And Beyond



Technology isn’t a trend that will just disappear. Instead, the industry continues to grow and that means IT skills are in high demand.


However, this doesn’t mean any IT related skill will do in the highly competitive field. Instead, you need certain skills that set you apart from other top talent not just now, but well into the future.
If you want to improve your chances of landing your dream career, now is the time to start mastering these must-have IT skills.


Easy Adaptability


Technology changes quickly. Just look back at the last decade to see how trends have changed, such as going from in-house data storage to cloud and hybrid-cloud solutions. While it’s not necessarily an IT skill you can learn in college, adaptability is a must-have skill for keeping up with trends. This involves continuous education on your own, or if you’re lucky, your employer may pay for some courses. For those who adapt quickly, you’ll have no problem keeping an job in the IT industry.


Mobile App Development


Since Pew Research Center first studied smartphone ownership in 2011, ownership in America has jumped from 35% to 77% in early 2018. Tablets are also increasingly popular with 53% of Americans owning one. With this popularity, it shouldn’t surprise you to learn that 20% of Americans rely solely on mobile devices for their Internet.


With statistics like these, it’s no wonder mobile app development is one of the most sought after IT skills. Users want new and better apps, but businesses need talented people to create them.


Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning


Artificial intelligence and machine learning aren’t new, but they’re two areas with increasing adoption rates. Since 2013, the number of AI related jobs has increased by 450% and the number of enterprises adopting AI is expected to double by the end of 2018. Machine learning is part of the AI trend and more businesses are relying upon both to improve customer service and better analyze data. Master either or both and you’re good to go.




As long as there is data worth stealing or bored hackers wanting to cause chaos, cybersecurity will be one of the top IT skills. While you can specialize in certain areas, becoming a cybersecurity expert means businesses will seek you out to keep their companies safer.




Blockchain has come to the forefront in recent years as a more efficient way of recording transactions. It’s become so popular that global spending in the industry was expected to hit $11.7 billion by 2022, which is a massive increase from the $1.5 billion in 2018. This kind of growth means more jobs, especially for those who know the industry inside and out.


Data Sciences


Data engineering, data analysis and data visualization all fall under the category of data sciences. Data engineers create the foundation for gathering data more efficiently, while data analysts learn what to gather and how to interpret it. Finally, data visualization professionals help turn all this data into easy to understand visuals for quicker data absorption.


You don’t have to be an expert in all three, but having any of these IT skills will help set you apart. Businesses are eager to create more personalized experiences, improve marketing and increase efficiency. Data is the solution to all three.


UI/UX Design


UI and UX design apply to a wide range of areas, such as websites, apps and digital/physical products. While the two are different, designing with the user in mind is the purpose behind both. Development of new websites and apps isn’t going to stop. However, it takes more than just design and development skills to stand out now. The key is fully understanding and embracing the latest UI and UX design principles. Do this and you’ll be able to create sites and apps that are more appealing to users and more profitable to businesses.




Finally, businesses are focusing more on DevOps. This collaboration between development and operations helps increase efficiency, reduce lead times and much more. Implementing and using this technology trend is tricky, which is why more businesses are seeking out DevOps professionals. The trend has won over giants like Facebook and Amazon, which proves it’s an IT skill well worth having both now and in the future.


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